Watch video: Cruciate ligament disease in dogs - the surgery

WARNING: This video shows graphic images of surgery throughout.

This video is PART 2 of this series - it shows the surgery for this condition. For the video showing the initial consult, visit

Cruciate ligament disease is a sign that the ligament in the knee is ruptured; this causes the femur to slip. With corrective surgery, that slipping can be stopped.

"Bionic Vet", Noel Fitzpatrick, outlines some of the implications of this kind of surgery.

Zack, a Bernese Mountain Dog, suffers from cruciate ligament disease. In this video, we see Noel carrying out a surgery called TPLO (tibial plateau levelling osteotomy) to correct the problem.

As with all treatment, Noel guards against a "one size fits all" approach and reminds us that different treatments are appropriate for different dogs. He also explains some of the possible complications, including infection risk, implant problem risk and delayed miniscal tear.
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